Loopbaancoach, Executive Coach in Den Haag
BOEK NU JE ADVIESSESSIE (KOSTELOOS)Voel jij je vastgelopen in je carrière en weet je niet goed wat je echt wilt? Word je onzeker wanneer je voor een grote groep moet spreken? Ben je ontevreden en weet je dat je veel meer kunt? Wil je je team ontwikkelen en motiveren, meer impact hebben en het hoger management beter beïnvloeden? Zoek je naar jouw unieke leiderschapsstijl? Dit zijn veelvoorkomende uitdagingen waar ik je graag mee help. Samen vinden we antwoorden op jouw loopbaan- en leiderschapsvragen.
Executive coach
dr. Jane Sum
Mijn Specialiteiten
Ik ben loopbaancoach en executive coach in Den Haag, gespecialiseerd in het helpen van leiders, managers en professionals in diverse sectoren met hun loopbaan- en leiderschapsvragen. Met ervaring in technische, commerciële en strategische leidinggevende functies binnen het bedrijfsleven, begrijp ik de uitdagingen waar ambitieuze vrouwen tegenaan lopen heel goed.
Ik maak gebruik van de Energy Leadership™ Index assessment tool om diepgaand inzicht te krijgen in je percepties, houding en gedrag. Daarnaast benut ik mijn internationale werkervaring en multiculturele achtergrond om je te ondersteunen in jouw groeiproces.
Wie ik ben
Als gepromoveerd chemicus heb ik gewoond en gewerkt in verschillende landen, waaronder Nederland, China, Thailand, Japan en Duitsland. In deze landen heb ik technische, commerciële en strategische leidinggevende rollen bekleed. Mijn ervaring als leider in het bedrijfsleven heeft me inzicht gegeven in de uitdagingen van hedendaagse professionals en leiders, evenals het begrip dat zelfbewustzijn de eerste stap naar verandering is.
Met een passie voor het versterken van professionals en leiders, help ik jou bij het aanpakken van jouw uitdagingen. Ik zet mijn expertise in om je te ondersteunen bij het ontwikkelen van je vaardigheden en het vinden van antwoorden op je loopbaan- en leiderschapsvragen. Ik stel krachtige, open vragen die tot nieuwe inzichten leiden en maak gebruik van verschillende oefeningen en tools. Jij hebt de oplossingen in je; ik ben jouw sparringpartner en houd je verantwoordelijk voor je acties.
Ik gebruik de Energy Leadership™ Index assessment tool om diepgaande inzichten te verkrijgen in je percepties, houding en gedrag. Dit unieke assessment onthult de specifieke filters die je hebt ontwikkeld (hoe je de wereld ziet) en hoe deze je leven beïnvloeden. Het brengt ook de gedachten en percepties aan het licht die stress veroorzaken of het behalen van je doelen in de weg staan. Het goede nieuws is dat je de gedachten, percepties en gedragingen die je tegenhouden, kunt veranderen; met andere woorden, je kunt oude patronen doorbreken.
Mijn doel is om jou te helpen je ware potentieel te ontdekken en te benutten, zodat je meer impact kunt maken. Mijn coaching is open, betrokken en gericht op persoonlijke groei. Ik ben benieuwd naar je loopbaan- en/of leiderschapsvragen.
Ben je klaar voor groei en verandering? Laten we kennismaken in Den Haag.
Loopbaancoach Den Haag
Executive Coach Den Haag
dr. Jane Sum
Ontdek vandaag nog wat jij kan en wil met deze top SheConsult loopbaancoach in Den Haag.
Opleiding & Werkervaring
- Universiteit Leiden/ King’s College, London, PhD Chemie
- IPEC Coaching, Coach Training Program (CPC), Energy LeadershipTM Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), COR.E DynamicsTM Leadership and Transitions Specialist
- Hemingway, opleiding voor commissarissen en toezichthouders
- SheConsult, Loopbaancoach Den Haag, Executive Coach Den Haag
- EZRA Coaching, Executive Coach, Leadership Coach
- Jane Sum Coaching, Eigenaar
- Covestro Germany, Global Head of Cosmetics
- Covestro/ Bayer MaterialScience Thailand, Head of Commercial Operations, Coatings, Adhesives & Specialties, Southeast Asia & ANZ
- Bayer MaterialScience Shanghai, Segment Head Plastic & UV Coatings APAC
- Randstad China, Team Leader Suzhou Branch
- Astellas Pharma Europe, Project Manager
- Global Women Connect, mentor en bestuurslid Europese Chapter
- Solinatra, Bestuursadviseur
- Cultuurschakel, lid Raad van Toezicht
Ervaring van Cliënten in Den Haag:
“Jane is a very insightful coach. She always asks really good questions to lead me to discover more about myself. Her voice and smile made me feel safe and comfortable during my coaching sessions. I was able to find new ways to solve problems and switch mindset to face challenges. Some of the life-changing talks really made a big differences. With Jane’s help, I found essence of my problems in my career, and got courage to make a major transformation in life.”
“I just wanted to write a heartfelt thank you for your care, engagement and support throughout our 6 month coaching programme. I’ve massively grown and enjoyed every second of our sessions together. You created a safe, but challenging space from very early on and have massively helped me with my coaching goals, particularly the one around “be courageous in bringing emotional intelligent leadership.” You believed in me, focused on outcomes and challenged me hard in taking ownership but most importantly gave me the tools to analyse the status quo and the courage to make my voice heard. Through your coaching support I’ve been able to really challenge myself in my emotional regulation and response, am more proficient in providing feedback with radical candour and better equipped to step into courageous leadership with emotional intelligence. This has resulted in a significant shift in terms of how “I show up” and has had a positive impact on the transformation improvements of the organisation as a result. Six months on I am in a different place. Thank you, I’ve loved every second.”
“Jane has made me a better leader by helping me gain a deeper understanding of myself and who I want to be. By recognizing my blind spots, identifying what gives me energy and understanding the attitudes and behaviors that hold me back, I am much better equipped to reach my personal and professional goals. Jane was the perfect guide through this process of growth and self-discovery, with her patience and understanding, but also with the right tools and nudges to ensure real actions were taken and that insights resulted in the necessary behavioral changes. What sets Jane apart for me is her personalized approach and her global executive leadership experience. She understands the professional and personal challenges of today’s leaders, as she has faced many of them herself, and combined with her skillful coaching abilities she is uniquely positioned to help any aspiring executive to unlock his/her full potential.”
Business Unit Head at a multinational company, Automotive, Germany
“Jane is a great coach who focuses on what her client needs. She is someone that is intuitive, warm and has the ability to connect to the strengths of others and create an accepting and supportive environment. She acts as an enabler and truly inspires others to create their own success in life! Her style is flexible, professional, relaxed and fun; she is very open and encouraging and goes above and beyond to support her clients through big changes.”
“As a self-reflective and growth-oriented person, I have been reading several self-development books, writing a journal, and dedicating myself to building positive habits. While these efforts have yielded some positive results, in other instances, they turned into short-term endeavors, and I found myself questioning why I couldn’t maintain consistency. Additionally, dealing with the ‘imposter mindset,’ where I doubted my abilities and achievements, despite clear evidence of my competence and accomplishments, left me feeling anxious about my future progress.
At this moment, I had the privilege of meeting Jane, and our coaching sessions became a life-changing journey. Jane is a coach with tremendous empathy, a holistic perspective, and the ability to guide people toward discovering one’s own strengths, values, and potential.
When my mind was cluttered and clear thinking seemed difficult to achieve, her coaching approach helped me organize my thoughts and illuminated the path to discovering ‘my inner treasure’. After each coaching session, I gained a deeper understanding of my thoughts and feelings, which enabled me to prepare for the behaviors I wanted to choose. This entire process empowered me to steer my habits in an even more positive direction while fostering increased self-compassion and confidence.
Jane’s extensive experience in corporate leadership positions, combined with her intercultural background, provided a unique and immensely valuable perspective during our coaching sessions. As an Asian professional navigating the multicultural landscape of Western corporate culture, I found that I could openly discuss a wide range of topics with Jane, including professional development, personal matters, family, and cultural competencies. Each time, she demonstrated profound empathy and offered invaluable insights.
At the conclusion of our final session, I was excited to share with Jane that I had assumed a new position, bringing new opportunities to further develop my potential. I was grateful that this transformative journey was made possible with Jane’s guidance!”
“Coaching with Jane has truly changed my life! I have learnt so much about myself and been able to use the techniques and practices we discussed to grow and make some really positive changes not only in my work as a leader but also in my personal life. The sessions with Jane were always really enjoyable and each session built on the learnings from the one before which helped me to remember and reflect on our discussions. I would really recommend coaching to everyone, it’s a great way to really unlock your full potential in a friendly and safe environment. A huge thank you to Jane for this brilliant journey I have been on.”
“Jane is very professional, present and fully committed to the coaching process. She is very good in listening and uses her skills to highlight the most important themes further in the coaching. She is very supportive and completely holding me accountable for my actions. I have realised and reconfirmed that I am very visual, creative and that I need to work more with my visions that enable me to progress my own specific way. I would highly recommend Jane as a coach for someone who needs to raise awareness in any topic.”
“Ik heb mijn mentor traject met Jane als erg prettig ervaren. Ze begreep goed waar ik het over had en kon goed bepaalde denkpatronen bij mij herkennen. Ze heeft tijdens de gesprekken meermaals gerefereerd naar bepaalde modellen en theorieën, waar ze via de email ook meer informatie naar me stuurde. Ze kwam zeer bekwaam over en heeft me geholpen dmv huiswerk met het identificeren van een blinde vlek. Jane, bedankt voor de gesprekken!”
“The coaching experience with Jane has truly transformed my approach of professional and personal leadership. “What got me here, won’t get me there” – I am thankful for Jane´s talent to guide me and equip me with the personalized skillset to reach my maximum potential and effectively creating the impact and shaping the journey I am seeking.
Jane´s exceptional qualities as a coach stem from her extensive experience in global executive leadership as well as personal mastery. Her empathetic, sharp and challenging coaching approach instrumentally supported me to connect sources of motivation and energy with my intrinsic values. By understanding how I act and base my decisions, I can now influence my thoughts and actions and connect this even further with my unique abilities.
Jane helped me to sincerely reach “being your true self to understand where your power lies to perform at your highest potential”. With confidence and an extensive toolset, I am looking forward to an exciting new level of self development and shaping my impact in the business world as well as evolving personal mastery.”
Wiebke Strohwig
International Program Lead, Financial Services, Germany
“I have worked with Jane for more than half a year and can tell you that she is one of the most powerful coaches that I have met. She is not only empathetic, patient and gives you the space to realize your own insights and find your way, but shows also a deep human side whereby you know that she really cares about you as a person. Her multi-cultural background, rich life experiences and powerful coaching style and tools can serve her clients in almost any area of life. Through her coaching, I have been able to find the road of self-compassion, growth and patience towards others, that has allowed me to have a more stable and loving relationship, more inspiration at work and with my projects, and in general an overall level of energy in every area of my life. Thank you Jane! You are great, keep up the good work!”
IP Director & Life Coach, Germany
Plan een adviessessie
Every journey begins with the first step
Deze adviessessie is bedoeld om je te helpen met jouw coachvraag.
Zo krijgen we samen jouw coachvraag nog helderder, kijken we naar een nieuw perspectief en zetten we opties op een rij om verder te komen. Kansen en uitdagingen zien er voor iedere vrouw natuurlijk anders uit.
We luisteren, stellen vragen en komen, wanneer gewenst, met een advies.
We onderzoeken of coaching op dit moment zinvol voor je is, en zo ja, welk coachingstraject en welke coach bij je past.
We kunnen samen, als je dat wilt, direct een afspraak inplannen met een coach.
Laten we starten.
Laten we de verandering in gang zetten.
De adviessessie is telefonisch en duurt meestal zo’n 20 minuten. Een ervaren adviseur belt je op jouw nummer. In deze sessie krijg je helderheid over de richting die je het best kunt volgen.
* Helderheid over over het proces; hoe coaching werkt
* Helderheid over de coach die het beste bij jouw situatie aansluit.
* Helderheid over de investering in jezelf, in de kosten.
Wij helpen je graag verder.
Plan met een van ons een afspraak in de agenda hieronder.
Dan gaan we samen in gesprek. En het kost je niets!
Individuele coachtrajecten, masterclasses, trainingen & theatercolleges.
Online colleges, individuele coachtrajecten, advies.
Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten
Individuele coachtrajecten, masterclasses, trainingen & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten.
Individuele coachtrajecten, ook voor andere telecom providers.
Online collegereeks, het vrouwenbrein, vrouwen zijn anders.
Individuele coachtrajecten, online collegereeks, het Vrouwenbrein, vrouwen zijn anders.
Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops, trainingen en theatercolleges.
Events, trainingen & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten.
Individuele coachtrajecten
& theatercollege.
Individuele coachtrajecten.
Individuele coachtrajecten & trainingen
Individuele coachtrajecten.
Individuele coachtrajecten & theatercolleges
Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten, masterclasses & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.
Individuele coachingstrajecten, ook voor andere omroepen.
Individuele coachtrajecten, theatercolleges.
Individuele coachtrajecten, ook voor andere gemeenten.