Empowering Women in STEM: Coaching, Training, and Personal Female Leadership

Coaching and training programs that address the various challenges that women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) face. We cover subjects like female personal leadership, work-life balance, ambition, visibility, impact and stress management. This will empower women to thrive during their STEM careers.

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Empowering Women in STEM: Coaching, Training, and Personal Leadership


Women in STEM have made remarkable progress, breaking through barriers and reshaping industries. However, the journey to success in STEM can be complex, marked by tough challenges such as imposter syndrome. To overcome these challenges, coaching and training are essential tools. They offer women the support they need in multiple phases of their STEM careers.

We share with you the importance of offering coaching and training, implementing female personal leadership, visibility, ambition and impact, creating a healthy work-life balance and managing stress.


  1. Female Personal Leadership: Coaching and training programs are instrumental in developing female personal leadership skills. These programs encourage women to recognise their strengths, values, and unique leadership styles. Through self-reflection and guidance, women in STEM can develop their potential as leaders, effectively guiding teams and projects towards success.


  1. Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is critical for the wellbeing of women in STEM. Other coaching and training initiatives often focus on time management, prioritisation, and stress reduction techniques. But by equipping women with strategies to manage their professional and personal lives, these programs promote resilience and long-lasting gratification.


  1. Ambition and Goal Setting: Ambition is the driving force behind progress in STEM. Coaching and training sessions help women set ambitious yet achievable goals for their careers. By fostering a growth mindset and providing tools for setting and pursuing their aspirations, women can navigate their STEM journeys with determination and purpose.
  1. Visibility and Impact: Women in STEM can face challenges related to visibility and recognition. Coaching and training programs teach strategies for enhancing visibility through effective self-promotion, networking and professional development. By amplifying their contributions, women can inspire and impact others and advance their own careers.


  1. Stress Management: The demands of STEM careers can lead to stress and burnout. Coaching and training programs offer women strategies to manage stress effectively. These may include mindfulness practice, time management techniques and resources for seeking support. A balanced approach to stress management, contributes to both personal wellbeing and professional success.


  1. Diversity and Inclusivity: These coaching and training programs promote diversity and inclusivity within STEM fields. They emphasise on the importance of fostering an environment where women are empowered to excel. By advocating inclusivity and addressing bias, this will strengthen the STEM community as a whole.

You will find joy in the coaching sessions by SheConsult

SheConsult coaching succes

Time for reflection? What can you do, what do you want, what brings you happiness in your work and what doesn’t? Do you want to set new goals?
We see that all top performers in sports, business, politics, and government have a coach. A coach helps you bring out the best in yourself. Having a coach is not a sign of weakness but a sign of wisdom, drive, ambition, and courage!

SheConsult coaches focus exclusively on topics related to work. However, it’s not uncommon for personal matters to impact work and vice versa. We don’t shy away from addressing interconnected issues.”

Self-confidence and insecurity

Healthy self-confidence is the foundation of any career. Self-confidence is necessary to function effectively, to be visible, to set boundaries, and to shape your ambition.


Of course, occasional healthy doubt is a part of it as well. But the fear of being exposed as a fraud, the feeling of not being enough, can hinder you in your work and your happiness.

SheConsult effectively coaches on self-confidence based on the book by Vréneli Stadelmaier.

More information on self-confidence coaching >

Stress reduction

Stress. Doubts about your career or your life? There is no waiting list at SheConsult. We offer expert guidance for highly educated women.

Because women are different. They experience stress due to the different challenges they face in their career and at home. SheConsult specialises in overcoming these challenges. 


Recovering from a burnout

You can suffer from a burnout for a long period of time. Reintegration after a burnout requires patience and a personal approach. Listening to your body, setting boundaries, but sometimes also gently pushing the limits. We have SheConsult coaches who excel in this. Check the coach of your choice to see if they explicitly mention this as their expertise, and you’ll be in good hands!

Enhancing visibility

When you’re not visible, then you won’t be invited. It’s as simple as that. Why would anyone appoint you a new role, if your achievements, capabilities, and identity are not visible? Many women find this to be a challenging topic. They often think that talking about themselves is boasting, will make them seem arrogant or they feel like they’re bluffing. That feels extremely uncomfortable, so they make themselves invisible. We will work with you to improve your visibility.

Shaping your ambition

What do you want? What is your purpose on Earth? Which talents do you want to offer? What are you willing to sacrifice? What desires lie beneath it all? These are some of the questions that come up when we embark on the journey with you to shape your ambition. Questions that revolve around meaning and ultimately lead to a concrete plan.

Your next step, your future
What’s your position and how did you get there, form the basis for answering the question: what’s next? What are the growth opportunities in your current position, what do you want to learn and contribute, and what else is available in the world? To find answers to these questions, you need to get out of your comfort zone and engage in conversations with other people. It should be done in a structured manner and following a proven method.


Improving work-life balance
Women often have multiple roles. In addition to the role of an employee, they are also daughters, friends, and often mothers, caregivers, household managers, and more. This requires making choices, setting priorities, and often conflicts with perfectionism, loyalty, and the desire to be liked. We will work with you to make this challenging subject more manageable.
Manage your supervisor

There’s nothing worse than having a manager you can’t get along with. Complaining won’t solve the problem. So, what are you going to do about it? Do you want to take their job? Do you want to change their behaviour? Do you want to change yourself? Or do you want to leave? We will work with you to explore the possibilities, develop strategies, and practice behaviours that will help you grow and deal with each particular situation.

Enhance assertiveness

Assertiveness cannot exist without self-confidence. Without self-confidence, it’s difficult to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. Do you keep quiet in meetings, hesitate to say no to a colleague or supervisor’s request, or refrain from objecting to insensitive jokes, bullying, or injustice? Come and have a conversation with us! We can help you.

New job, new role

If you’re ‘in between jobs’ or looking for a new role, you need to take action. Sitting on the couch and waiting for work two appear or get better, will not help you. The better you know what kind of work you want to do, the sooner you can get there. We’ll assist you in the search for ‘knowing what you want’ and taking the next step to actually do that work.

Being a woman in a man's world
We often get asked the question: ‘How do I remain a woman when I have to participate in masculine games?’ The answer to that question is different for every woman, but it starts with understanding the game and how to play it. Furthermore, you need to know how to balance masculinity and femininity, what works best for you and what is most effective. When are you assertive enough or soft enough? What blend contributes to how others perceive you and how they value your competencies?
Personal branding

Personal branding is an extension of your visibility. When you are visible, you want to promote your qualities. In personal branding, you will start thinking about what ‘your brand’ is and represents. For example, as an accountant you want to project an image of being serious and organised. How do you show that in your appearance (clothing, makeup, posture), behaviour, and language? Does it align with how you would like to present your brand?

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Every journey begins with the first step

This advisory session is intended to assist you with your coaching question. Together, we’ll make your coaching question clearer, explore new perspectives, and consider options for moving forward. Of course, opportunities and challenges vary for every woman.


  • We listen, we ask questions and we provide advice.
  • Together we will explore whether coaching makes sense for you at this moment and, if so, which coaching program and coach align with your needs.
  • If we find a good fit, we can schedule the next appointment straight away.

Let’s Start the change now.

The advisory session is conducted over the phone and typically lasts around 20 minutes. An experienced SheConsult consultant will call you over the phone. During this session you will gain:

  • Clarity about the direction that will fit you best.
  • Clarity about the coaching process and how it works.
  • Clarity about which coach best aligns with your situation.
  • Clarity about the cost of this investment in yourself.

We’ll help you move forward
Schedule an advisory appointment, using the calendar below. Then, together we will have a conversation to figure out how we can help. This consult is free, it won’t cost you anything!


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Individuele coachtrajecten, online collegereeks, het Vrouwenbrein, vrouwen zijn anders.

Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops, trainingen en theatercolleges.

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Events, trainingen & theatercolleges.

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& theatercollege.

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Individuele coachtrajecten & trainingen

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Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.

Individuele coachtrajecten, masterclasses & theatercolleges.

Individuele coachtrajecten, workshops & theatercolleges.

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Individuele coachtrajecten, theatercolleges.

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